Aaron Charlie
21 Jul 2010

Who's your Best Friend on Twitter?
How to find Influencers on Twitter...
“Are they good friends on Twitter?” is an important question to ask when you are marketing using social media especially for specific business campaigns.
We cover a variety of Twitter strategies on our Social Media Course, and you can learn more about online marketing on our Blogging Training and Google Analytics courses in Brighton, Sussex.
But, what is a “good friend” on Twitter?
It is not about traditional friendship. In this case, we are talking about business - and to connect with people that we know are “influencers” on Twitter, it means, they have a lot of

followers and their followers are in the audience that you want to achieve. They can be journalists that report about your industry, colleagues, partners or even competitors that can add value to your own profile when they interact with you.
So, how can you find “influencers”?
First of all, it is important to take a look to who you are following and who is following you back. For that, I recommend using Friendorfollow that tells you who are friends, it means who you follow and follow you back. It also tells you the stats about those people: how many followers, followings and friends they have and where they are located. You can also export all the information in the CSV file and work on that to improve your campaign. TweepSearch does something similar, although I have worked more on Friendorfollow.
After you know who are already your good friends, you can start following more people that are interesting for your audience using Twitter Yellow Pages where you can search Twitter profiles by category: trainers, marketing, IT, for example, or Twitter Search that you can use to track what people are saying on Twitter about the topics you're interested in.
A good practice is to check who your friends are every week (or more depending on your needs) so you can target your social media marketing messages more effectively.
Of course, it is just one part of the whole world that you explore in social media and search engine optimisation training. If you want more information about how to do a great marketing on Twitter, check out this post about the best Marketing Apps for Twitter.
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