How to Say NO to Pushy Sales People - and How to Become One!!

user Heather Buckley



How to Say NO to Pushy Sales People - and How to Become One!!

say no to pushy salespeople

Have you ever signed up for something when you really didn't want to? Good sales people spend months, sometimes years learning to break down your resistance to the NO word. Of course, you could always enrol on our brilliant Assertiveness Training course to make it easier (the next one is 14th and  15th Oct 2010), meanwhile...

Learning to recognise some of these familiar sales techniques may save you from signing up to a spectacularly unmissable waste of time and money!! ...

  1. People feel obliged to return a favour - right? Sales people exploit this by offering you small favour before getting you to sign you life away! Remember they are not really doing you a favour - REMEMBER IT'S ALL A BIG PLAN TO PART YOU WITH YOUR MONEY.
  2. When you are made to believe something is rare (”a limited time offer!”),  you want it for fear that you will lose out. If it's not still available later/tomorrow next week etc. YOU DON'T WANT IT.
  3. Sales people seek to find things in common with their victims, tell jokes, and pay compliments. Flattery, common interest, interest in your family/work/holiday etc, will get them everywhere. THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IT IS ALL A PLOY.
  4. Sales People convince their marks that they are experts in order to gain control of you. That’s why they pin pictures of themselves posing with famous people on their walls. REMEMBER YOU KNOW BEST.
  5. People are like sheep. A Salesman will try and convince you, and often show some kind of proof that everyone else has signed up/bought in. It's called the “social proof” technique. DON'T WORRY YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO HASN'T GOT ONE!
  6. Sales people will set you up by asking you a question to which you will proudly admit yes to. for example "Other people think you are a great photographer right?" oooo I want it already, what is it? REMEMBER THEY SAY THAT TO ALL THE GUYS/GIRLS.

So now you are prepared you should be able to fend them off! Of course, if you find it difficult to say no generally you could enrol on our Assertiveness Training course, it's great for Confidence Building. If you spend all your time on the phone being sold stuff you could come to our Time Management Training courses, and if you want your staff to use all the above to your advantage you could organise a telephone sales training course for them so that they can become annoyingly difficult to say NO to!

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