Agile principles are now being applied to software development, software testing and project management, but what are the basic principles that Agile is based on?
All Agile methods were designed around a simple premise; the smaller the project, the greater the success rate. For agile to be successful it must be both quick and simple.
In 2001 the Agile Manifesto was born. Representatives from several Agile methodologies (including SCRUM, eXtreme Programming & DSDM) came together and devised a set of values and principles that any Agile methodology should adhere to. These values and principles would increase the success rate as projects would be constantly revised to meet customer requirements.
We now offer the Certified Agile Project Management Training, please see our Agile Project Management Foundation Training and Agile Project Management Practitioner Training courses.
Andy Trainer
20 May 2011

Managers often have the heaviest workload in the department, especially when their management responsibilities are as well as another job role. Because the demands of being a manager can ebb and flow, it's especially important for managers to be aware of how they manage their time.
In particular, those who've recently been promoted to management may find themselves struggling with their new responsibilities on top of their old job.
Of everyone in the organisation, it's most likely that a

manager finds themselves with shifting priorities and unexpected demands through the working day - dealing with issues from the team can mean other work is left to pile up.
Here are our Top Ten Time Management Tips for Managers:
1. Plan - take time to make time
Time spent planning is not time wasted at the expense of doing. A bit of time spent in understanding what needs to be done, and planning how to achieve it, will have a massive return on investment. Training and coaching staff can seem like an interruption to other work, but will pay off in the long run.
Try not to plan for every moment of your day; leave time for dealing with unexpected tasks and for adapting to interruptions and changing priorities.
Andy Trainer
11 May 2012
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