You've been here before, the last time you and the client spoke you didn't exactly see eye to eye. Now months of negotiations are at risk and potentially big figures in profit too.
Don't make that call. Re-evaluate where you are in negotiations and see what you can take from these killer tips to close that deal.
Negotiations are all about your relationship with the client. If you're seeing your role in negotiations as an opportunity to make money at the expense of the client then you're looking at it all the wrong way. Negotiations are professional relationships. Benefits should and can be mutually profitable whilst retaining a relationship with a client that will last years.
Our Negotiation Skills training will give you the knowledge and tools necessary to be able to conduct any negotiation as a competitive and collaborative negotiation.
A good deal might not revive a bad relationship, but a good relationship can revive a bad deal.
Andy Trainer
25 Nov 2014