Heather Buckley
14 Jan 2010

What Do I Tweet About? 30 Tweet Ideas
One question I’m often asked by those who are starting to tweet is ‘What do I tweet about?’ So I have written 30 Tweeting Top Tips.
Even the most experienced tweeters get twitter block sometimes. Here are a few ideas to keep you going. Incidentally many of these suggestions make good blog ideas too. I did write a post on Blog Ideas earlier.

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1. Write helpful Tweets
At least half of your tweets should be an answer, a response, or some kind of communication or dialogue. Remember it’s about relationships.
2. Create a tweet when you upload a new blog post
Let everyone know what you are writing about, and make the tag line snappy. Next time you are wondering which links to click on in twitter ask yourself why you chose them, make a note then use the same technique.
3. Tweet other peoples blog posts
Every time you read something you think is interesting, useful or fascinating – tweet it.
4. Show you care
Often people let you know if they are having a bad day, say something supportive or cheering.
5. Be interesting
What do people want to read about? Look back over your tweets and make a note of the ones that got attention. To do this go to Topsy and type in your twitter name to find your most re-tweeted tweets. Alternatively type in another username and learn from their successes.
6. Be First
Keep your eye on the latest news, watch for trending topics and tweet the latest use Twitscoop to find out what's trending. Even better write an up to date report on the subject and tweet about it.
7. Make Someone Laugh
Re-tweet the best jokes and write your own but be careful, it has to be funny!
8. Tweet a Fascinating Fact
It’s a good idea to keep a notebook with you as these will present themselves to you from time to time, on TV, listening to other peoples conversations (not that I do that!).
9. Recommend a product or Service
This can be a good way to build relationships; you might review a book or a Social Media application. Don't forget to Direct Message or mention them to let them know.
10. Ask for a recommendation
Are you going somewhere? Ask for a good hotel, restaurant etc. Are you buying a new camera? Ask for advice.
11. Tweet about good feedback from your clients
When someone says something nice about you tell everyone.
12. Tweet about great websites.
Are there any inspiring or useful sites you keep going back to? Tweet about them
13. Tweet about special offers
While you want to keep direct sales tweets to a bare minimum, if you have a special one off offer tell all your clients about it, everyone likes a good deal
14. Announce something new.
Is there a new development/product in your field? Tweet about it.
15. Tweet about your Achievements and Successes
Have you won an award or landed killer contract, have you been listed somewhere impressive on the web?
16. Congratulate someone
Look out for other people’s success stories and congratulate them
17. Say thank you
While I don’t encourage thanking every re-tweet, you could thank a select few, likewise with followers, personally I’m not keen on automated thank you messages as you can spot them a mile away, but many people use them, it’s up to you.
18. Share new studies
Read some interesting stats or studies? Tweet them.
19. Share great video
Have you seen an inspiring, amazing or really funny on YouTube Video lately? Even better have you uploaded one yourself? Tweet it.
20. Make a prediction.
Do you think something is around the corner, tell people and say "you heard it here first".
21. Give something away
Give away free PDFs – guides, reports, stats, e-books. Do you have office furniture you don’t want any more – offer free to collector.
22. Support a Charity
Is there an appeal you would like to support? Tweet about it! Then later thank everyone who supported it.
23. Link to a photo
You can upload images to Twitpic or link to your Flickr account. If you use Tweetdeck you can attach images to you tweet.
24. Publicise an Event
Is there something going on locally, or nationally, or is there a good web seminar, TV Programme, Radio programme coming up?
25. Talk about an event you have attended
Let people know any nuggets you have gleaned
26. Ask a question
A good way to start a conversation is with a question as many people want to help others out. If your question is controversial you may attract a lot of interest. Your question could be hypothetical - what would you do if….
27. Answer a Question
Always look out for these; if it’s a techie question it’s worth taking the time to look up the answer, the original tweeter will thank you for it and you will have a stronger connection.
28. Run a Competition
This is a great way to build followers, and traffic to your blog. Ask people to Re tweet your competition to enter and tell them to follow to find out if they have won.
29. Tweet and inspiring quote
Make sure they are great though, I see a lot of lame quotes floating around on twitter, and those people who just tweet quotes can be a bit tiresome.
30. Comment on other people's tweets
Let them know you are listening, give them some feedback.
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