Welcome to our PRINCE2® Training Resources page, here you can find all our online resources including our PRINCE2 Quiz, PRINCE2 eBook and PRINCE2 Templates. You can use these resources to revise for your PRINCE2 exam or to start learning about PRINCE2 and all its features.

If you would like to learn more about PRINCE2 Training or take a PRINCE2 exam then come along to our PRINCE2 Foundation Training, PRINCE2 Practitioner Training and PRINCE2 Practitioner Conversion Training in Brighton, Sussex.
Is there something we've missed? Let us know in the comments and we'll do our best to add it as soon as possible.
Andy Trainer
2 Jan 2014

We have two free PRINCE2® eBooks to help you prepare for and pass your exams, click the links below to download and start learning:
How to Manage a Project - Getting Started
This eBook will take you through the PRINCE2 methods of managing a project from start to finish. A great PRINCE2 revision guide.
PRINCE2 Practitioner Exam Tips
This eBook will help you prepare for your PRINCE2 Pratitioner Exam.
These are excellent free PRINCE2 Training revision guide to help you prepare for your exam and can be downloaded on your computer, mobile and tablet to carry around where you need them.
Our PRINCE2 eBooks have been written by our expert PRINCE2 trainers, drawing on years of experience.
PRINCE2 is a structured method for effective project management. It is the standard used extensively by the UK Government and is widely recognised and used in the private sector, both in the UK and internationally. Silicon Beach Training provides a range of PRINCE2 Trainingcourses in Brighton, Sussex, including PRINCE2 Practitioner Training and PRINCE2 Foundation Training.
For more resources like these visit our PRINCE2 Resources section.
PRINCE2, the method, is in the public domain, offering non-proprietary best-practice guidance on project management. PRINCE2 is a registered trademark of AXELOS Limited.
Andy Trainer
18 Nov 2010
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