Heather Buckley
29 Mar 2010

How Can I Find an Old Tweet?
Twitter Tip: How to Find Old Tweets
Little Bo Peep has lost her tweets and doesn't know where to find them....
Ever wanted to find an old tweet? Or an old conversation thread? Well we had the same problem recently and can now help you out! Read on for our tips.
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Twitter Tip: How to Find Old Tweets
Little Bo Peep has lost her tweets and doesn't know where to find them....
Ever wanted to find an old tweet? Or an old conversation thread? Well we had the same problem recently and can now help you out! Read on for our tips.
How to search for tweets
- Twitter's Advanced Search: Twitter's own search facility allows you do search by date, user, mention, place and keyword. You can also limit the results to just those with links - handy if you're looking for a specific website link. The main downers to this are that you can only go back by about three months. And the search results often won't find anything at all when Twitter gets overloaded e.g. for happy xmas on 25/12/2009 strangely found absolutely nothing!
- Twitter Search: Picks up all the tweets from a chosen Twitter account when "from:SBTTraining" with the appropriate Twitter username is used.
- Google: Similarly, good ol' Google can help if you enter "photography competition site:twitter.com" with the site:... part instructing Google to search only that URL for your chosen search term. This will also work if you wish to search a certain user's tweets - simply amend it to "photography competition site:twitter.com/username". Like Twitter's own search Google has its limits though, for example it picked one sole tweet up within the date range 1/1/2010 - 31/1/2010! In addition, Twoogel uses Google listings to search Twitter - so use this to avoid the site:... part.
How to find a Twitter conversation thread
- Twonvo or TweetConvo: Enter the status URL of a tweet (you will be taken to this if you click the date beneath the tweet when viewing it on Twitter) and these tools will trace the original conversation or show all the replies a tweet has received. These tools are invaluable when you need to make sense of a series of "@username Yes I totally agree!" tweets.
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