Andy Trainer
30 Apr 2010
7 Secrets to Passing PRINCE2 Examinations
Our PRINCE2® training courses in Brighton are taught by professional trainers with an extensive background in Project Management.
We are so confident that they will guide you all the way to a pass that we'll give you the training again for free if you're not one of the 99% that do! You can find out more about our exam guarantee on our PRINCE2 Training page.
For more comprehensive tips to help you pass your exam, download our free PRINCE2 Practitioner Exam Tips eBook.
Already done the training and about to sit the exam tomorrow?
Read these handy tips to help you perform to your best:
1: Read the manual! It sounds silly but you'd be surprised how many skim read the PRINCE2 manual or miss out chunks. Our five-day PRINCE2 Practitioner training is very intensive, so do yourself a big favour by reading the manual right through in advance.
2: You can take your PRINCE2 Practitioner manual into the exam but you can't take in your own notes or documents. Luckily you can put notes all over your PRINCE2 manual! So whether it's a process diagram or a one word memory trigger, fill the white spaces on the inside covers with notes to help you.
3: Familiarise yourself with PBS (product breakdown structure); if you are not familiar with this you will struggle with many of the questions. If you really have difficulty interpreting the product symbols then include your own notes in your PRINCE2 manual. You need to then understand how a PBS relates to a product flow diagram. Lack of revision in this area is an easy way to lose marks.
4: When choosing from multiple choice answers, watch out for answers that have the word "must" or "always" in, because there are very few straight and simple answers in PRINCE2 and the examiners will try to catch you out.
5: If a question requires the same answer twice in a row e.g. "who would be the most suitable person for this task?" don't worry about choosing them twice - the questions are not related to each other at all.
6: Beware of common sense! The PRINCE2 exam is looking for an ideal application of its methodology in specific scenarios, not what you may well do in a real-life situation where your colleagues haven't taken their PRINCE2 certification.
7: Remember your photographic ID as the invigilator won't let you take the exam without it. If you have changed your name since you registered or took Foundation then take the appropriate paperwork.
Need more help? See our full list of free PRINCE2 resources.